Household task

One of the key services that we provide to ensure your overall wellbeing and to ensure for you a safe existence is assistance with household tasks. We know that every day you need to undertake not one but several household tasks and failing to do even one of them could potentially bring down your quality of life. But with our support workers, you would never have to worry about that as they will undertake all your household chores on your behalf.

home care

To make sure that this assistance doesn’t interfere with your autonomy within your household, our support workers would offer assistance on fronts that you choose. The assistance offered could be as much or as little depending upon what you opt for. And in case there are several household chores that you wish to undertake on your own, our support workers would offer supervision so that it doesn’t hinder your safety in any way. So, through this service what we try to bring to you is a safe and comfortable household where all your everyday needs are taken care of.

Under this support service, our support workers would undertake several activities for you like:

  • Cleaning, dusting and mopping
  • Meal preparation and cooking
  • Laundry
  • Kitchen cleaning
  • Changing linen
  • Basic garden maintenance

To avail of this service and know more about it, give us a call today.

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