Accessible 24*7 Disability Support Service: NDIS Melton

With Horizon Access Care, as an NDIS participant, live an independent, safe and growth-oriented life of your choice.

disability service provider melbourne

Melton’s Choice of NDIS Providers

We are Horizon Access Care, a registered NDIS provider, dedicated to the care and support of NDIS participants in Melton. As an NDIS participant, your needs would be numerous and there would be several aspects of your life where you need support. Through the services that we offer, we will cater to each of these needs and bring to the picture the possibility of a stable, safe, healthy and growth-oriented life. What we offer is end-to-end disability support in Melton to have you covered for everything that you might need as an NDIS participant. You come to us with specific needs and the necessity for personalised care and we curate for you a plan that best meets it all.

Ours is a team of qualified and empathetic support workers who will always travel that extra mile and be there for you 24*7 to ensure that your safety is never compromised and nor do you suffer in the wake of unfulfilled needs or goals. With our qualified and experienced NDIS support workers in Melton, begin a partnership where your needs would be prioritised over everything else and where every day you would be provided with opportunities to pave the way for your physical, mental, social and professional development. By choosing us as your disability service provider in Melton, you enrol for a growth-oriented journey that will proceed in exactly the direction you wanted.

Why Choose Us as Your Disability Service Provider in Melton?

  • We will work round-the-clock to ensure that all your needs are first addressed and then fulfilled.
  • We follow a holistic approach but all our services are tailored in a way that they meet your individual needs and goals.
  • With us, your autonomy will never be challenged. Things will always proceed the way you wish and your satisfaction and safety will always be prioritised.
  • We stand by the NDIS mission and aim to provide a safe, comfortable and growth-oriented environment for all NDIS participants.
  • All our disability support workers are fully equipped to care for all your needs and they will always give their best to support you in any way possible.

Avail of Holistic Disability Support With Horizon Access Care

As your choice of NDIS provider in Melton, we will open the doors to numerous services that would contribute to your wellbeing. Each of these services would be especially tailored, keeping in mind your needs, so as to ensure that you make the best out of your NDIS plan.

  • Assisted Travel/Transport
  • Household Task
  • Community Participation
  • Assistance with Personal Activities
  • Assistance with Life Stage-Transition
  • Support Coordination
home care

Choose one or more of these disability support services in Melton, opt for as much or as little assistance and sow the seed for a smooth journey as an NDIS participant.

With Us, Pave the Way for a Smooth and Empowering NDIS Journey

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NDIS does a lot towards making space for comfort and progress in your life and we make sure that you could bring that all into your life through the disability services that we offer. We will ensure the proper working of your household, help you engage with the world around you, develop the skills of your choice and work towards the overall betterment of your life. We won’t just prioritise your safety and comfort but also ensure that you always have all the needful resources at hand to build capacity and lead an autonomous existence.

So, get in touch with us today at Horizon Access Care and entrust a reliable team of disability service providers in Melton with your NDIS plan.

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Bringing Personalised Care to Your Doorstep Through Your Choice of NDIS Services

From ensuring the proper functioning of your household to getting you opportunities to engage with the larger community out there, we do it all to make sure that you grow into an individual capable of facing the world head-on. We understand that the needs of each participant are different so we don’t follow one plan that fits all policies but customise your plan as per your needs and goals. The moment you choose us as your NDIS service providers in Melton, you will sit with our experts, put forward your expectations and while giving proper consideration to it all we will come up with a proper plan for you.

Throughout your NDIS journey in Melton, we would be your caregivers, your solid support system and even your support coordinators who will ensure that all your needs are timely met and every day you find yourself in the midst of opportunities that will help you build capacity and make the way for your empowerment. Our support workers would always be at your service and make sure that you live your best life while undertaking all the activities that you love and further your growth and well-being.

Connect with us to learn more about how we assist our NDIS participants in Melton and the surrounding suburbs through comprehensive care and constant assistance.

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